
Overview of Systems Engineering

About Systems#

Definition of Systems#

A system is composed of two or more elements that are organically interconnected and interact with each other, forming an organic whole with specific functions, structures, and adaptability to the environment.

Characteristics of Systems#

  • Wholeness: Wholeness is the most fundamental and core characteristic of a system, and it is the most concentrated expression of systematics.

  • Interdependence: The elements that make up a system are interconnected and interact with each other. At the same time, all elements belong to the system as a whole and have interactive relationships. Interdependence indicates the characteristics of these connections or relationships and forms the basis of the system's structural issues.

  • Adaptability to the Environment: Every system exists in a certain environment and exchanges matter, energy, and information with the environment. Changes in the environment inevitably lead to changes in the system's functions and structures.

  • Hierarchy: Systems can be decomposed into a series of subsystems at different levels and have a certain hierarchical structure.

  • Purposefulness: Every system has a certain purpose, and to achieve its purpose, the system generally has certain functions.

Types of Systems#

  • Natural Systems and Artificial Systems: Natural systems are systems primarily formed by natural objects, such as mineral deposit systems, ocean systems, etc. Artificial systems refer to systems built based on specific goals and the subjective efforts of ancient people, such as production systems, management systems, etc.

  • Physical Systems and Conceptual Systems: Physical systems are systems composed of basic elements such as minerals, organisms, and populations. Conceptual systems are systems composed of conceptual non-material elements such as concepts, principles, methods, and systems.

  • Dynamic Systems and Static Systems: Dynamic systems are systems in which the state of the system changes over time. Static systems are models that represent the operating rules of the system and do not include time factors, that is, the quantities in the model do not change over time.

  • Closed Systems and Open Systems: A closed system refers to a system that has no exchange of matter, energy, and information with the environment, and thus presents a closed state. An open system refers to a system that has exchanges of matter, energy, and information with the environment. Such systems adapt to environmental changes by continuously adjusting the various subsystems within the system to maintain a relatively stable state. Open systems generally have the functions of self-adaptation and self-regulation.

About Systems Engineering#

Definition of Systems Engineering#

Systems engineering is the technology of developing, designing, implementing, and applying systems from a holistic perspective to achieve the overall optimal engineering technology. It belongs to a comprehensive engineering technology.

Characteristics of Systems Engineering Methods#

Characteristics of Systems Engineering Methods#

  • Systems engineering generally adopts a process of first determining the overall framework and then entering into detailed internal design.

  • Systems engineering attempts to improve overall functionality by appropriately configuring the elements that make up things, and its core idea is "synthesis is creation".

  • Systems engineering belongs to "soft science", and the basic characteristics of soft science include the important role of people (decision-makers, analysts, etc.) and information, multiple feedback and repeated negotiation, and the dual nature of scientificity and artistry and their organic combination.

Characteristics of Systems Engineering Methods#

  • Compatibility of scientificity and artistry.

  • Integration of theories, methods, and techniques from multiple disciplines and fields.

  • Organic combination of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis.

Ideas of Systems Engineering#

  • Global perspective

  • Optimization perspective

  • Practical perspective

  • Comprehensive management perspective

  • Combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis perspectives

  • Problem-oriented and feedback control

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