
Systems Engineering Methodology

The System Engineering Methodology is a set of working procedures, logical steps, and basic methods that should be followed to analyze and solve practical problems in system development, operation, and management. It is a general approach and overall framework for considering and addressing problems.

Classification of Systems#

  • Soft Systems: Models that are unclear in terms of goals, structure, mechanisms, and are difficult to express using mathematical models. They are more focused on social, economic, cultural, and biological aspects.

  • Hard Systems: Systems with clear goals, well-defined structures, clear mechanisms, and can be expressed using mathematical models.

Hall's Three-Dimensional Structure (Hardware System Methodology)#

Hall's Three-Dimensional Structure embodies the systematic, comprehensive, optimization, and procedural characteristics of system engineering methodology, and is an important foundation of system engineering methodology.

  • Time Dimension: Represents the stages or processes of system engineering.

Planning Phase > Design Phase > Analysis Phase > Coordination Phase > Implementation Phase > Operation Phase > Update Phase

  • Logical Dimension: Refers to the logical order and steps that should be followed in each stage of system engineering.

Identify the problem > System design > System integration > Modeling > Optimization > Decision-making > Implementation plan

  • Knowledge Dimension: Represents the knowledge required for system engineering work and reflects the professional fields of system engineering application.

Hall's Three-Dimensional Structure Diagram

Checkland Methodology (Software System Methodology)#

The main content of the Checkland Methodology includes:

Understanding the problem > Problem definition > Establishing a conceptual model > Comparison and exploration > Selecting feasible solutions > Design and implementation > Evaluation and feedback

Checkland Methodology Diagram

Comparison of the Two System Engineering Methodologies#

Both methodologies start with the problem and have corresponding logical processes, but there are some differences:

  1. Hall's methodology mainly focuses on engineering systems, while Checkland's methodology is more suitable for studying soft system problems such as economics and management.
  1. The core content of Hall's methodology is optimization analysis, while the core content of Checkland's methodology is comparative learning.
  1. Hall's methodology focuses more on quantitative analysis methods, while Checkland's methodology emphasizes the basic methods that combine qualitative and quantitative aspects.

Principles and Applications of System Analysis#

Concept and Elements of System Analysis#

Definition of System Analysis#

System analysis is the process of using techniques such as observation, prediction, optimization, simulation, and evaluation to quantitatively and qualitatively analyze various aspects of a system. It provides decision-making basis for choosing the optimal and most satisfactory system solution.

Six Elements of System Analysis#

Problem description > Goal determination > Solution formulation > Model establishment > Model evaluation > Decision implementation

System Analysis Procedure - Based on Hall's Logical Dimension#

Preliminary analysis (based on the 5W1H) > Normative analysis > Comprehensive analysis

Basic Process of System Analysis

Environmental Analysis#

Types of System Environmental Analysis#

  • Physical and technical environment

  • Business management environment

  • Social environment

Significance of System Environmental Analysis#

  • The environment is the material basis for the existence of system engineering problems.

  • System analysis data comes from the environment.

  • Environmental analysis is almost throughout the entire process of system analysis and plays an important role.

Principles of Applying System Analysis#

  • Adhere to problem orientation.

  • Aim for the whole.

  • Analyze and optimize multiple models and options.

  • Combine quantitative and qualitative analysis.

  • Iterate multiple times.

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