
Movie Screening - April 6, 2024


Today I watched three IMAX movies, two of which were "Falcon and the Winter Soldier" and one was "Godzilla vs. Kong 2". For the former, I watched it twice and had many thoughts and feelings, which I will write a separate review about. The latter was an IMAX 3D movie, and aside from the plot, watching multiple monsters battle on the giant screen was extremely exhilarating.

For dinner, I went to an OMAKASE restaurant, the taste was still good, but it hurt my wallet 😭

After watching the movie, it started to drizzle on my way back to school, accompanied by gusts of wind, making me, dressed in summer clothes, feel a slight chill 🥶

Due to a day off this weekend (April 7th), I have a lab class in the morning. I had only drafted the review I planned to finish tonight, so the final version may be delayed by a day or two before being published.

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