
Memories of the National Day holiday in the year of Gui Mao (Part 5) (Updating)

We finally fell asleep after a restless night. The next morning, around eight or nine o'clock, we woke up groggily. She reached for my phone and ordered breakfast delivery from a bakery called suuu bakery in Chongqing Guotai. She ordered a Roman matcha cream bun and a pistachio croissant. Then she got out of bed naked and started cleaning up the mess from last night. I was too tired to help, so I just looked at my phone bored. Suddenly, I noticed that my Polaroid camera was lying on the bed. Looking at her naked body, an evil thought crossed my mind. I quietly leaned forward and picked up the camera without making a sound. I turned it on and took a picture of her busy naked body. As I pressed the shutter, I wondered what her reaction would be when she found out. Of course, I only intended to tease her, and the photo would be immediately destroyed.

Unfortunately, after I pressed the shutter, I realized that the camera had a flash. A burst of white light flashed, and she, who was originally turned sideways, suddenly froze. After realizing what I had done, she quickly rushed towards me and snatched the camera from my hand. Then she waited quietly for the photo to develop, carefully examining it for a while before pouting and saying, "This picture actually looks pretty good." "Let me see, let me see!" Her reaction surprised me, and I cautiously said, "I want to see it too."

But she just gave me a disdainful look and said, "You're delusional." Then she scolded me and hit me several times, telling me that I was becoming more and more annoying. Helpless, I knew I was in the wrong in this matter, so even if she didn't listen to my explanation or arguments, I couldn't do anything about it.

In the end, the photo was cruelly destroyed before I had a chance to see it, and she bit me a few times.

Omakase Chef's Choice!#

We continued to linger in the hotel for a while before heading out for lunch.

Although both of us have lived in coastal cities for a long time and seafood is not a rare dish for us, we still went to a Japanese restaurant in this southwestern mountain city far from the sea. It seems that people in Chongqing are not very receptive to Japanese cuisine, and there are only a few Omakase restaurants compared to the eastern region. The one we went to this time was Sushi Tamaki in Jiefangbei. The reason we chose this place was simply because it was closer to the hotel.

Sushi Tamaki is located on the fourth floor of the Global Financial Center. The exterior of the store is relatively low-key but gives a sense of "high-end". At the entrance, there is a Japanese dry landscape garden. Inside, on the left-hand side, there is a sake cabinet displaying various types of sake, including my favorite Dassai. On the right-hand side, there is a cooking counter with the name of the restaurant written in Japanese calligraphy on the wall. The store is not big, with only 10 seats at the cooking counter and an additional private room for four people. Since there were only two of us this time and we wanted to have more interaction with the chef, we chose seats at the cooking counter. Chef Xiao Jiang gave a somewhat introverted impression but was quite handsome. It was evident that he took care of his appearance every day.

Lunch consisted of the usual eight-course meal and eight pieces of sushi. Since it has been half a year since the day of the meal, I can't remember all the dish names and ingredients, but I did take photos of some of the dishes.

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The meal was enjoyable, and there was another couple sitting next to us. To be honest, this was what I expected. In this kind of high-priced restaurant, there would always be couples who never stopped talking from the beginning to the end of the meal, discussing everything from Japanese cuisine to politician Fumio Kishida, and commenting on every dish, even though they couldn't even keep track of the order of the dishes.

She ordered a cup of oolong tea, and I ordered a glass of sake. Although the portions of each dish were not large, the meal took a long time, and by the time we reached the sixth piece of sushi, we were already feeling full. She started to playfully ask me to finish the rest of the dishes for her (sigh), so I reluctantly asked the chef to put less rice in the sushi to help her finish the rest. When it came to dessert, she suddenly became energetic again, as if the person who had just complained that she couldn't eat anything was not her. She picked up the dessert spoon and started enjoying it.

The Twenty Most Beautiful Summer Photos#

After lunch, we returned to the hotel to rest for a while and packed up our belongings. In the afternoon, we went to Hongya Cave to take some portrait photos. Although I knew that most of the photo studios in Hongya Cave were just tourist traps, I couldn't resist her desire to take photos. It was still raining in Chongqing that day, and the roads in Yuzhong Peninsula were congested, but we finally arrived at the photo studio. She changed into different outfits and had her makeup done, while I carried her bag and accompanied her like an assistant. The makeup artist looked at me and said to her, "Your sister has a good temper. She's patiently accompanying you." She couldn't help but smile.

Finally, when she was ready, I carried her bag and the props and followed her and the photographer to the shooting location. Although I was annoyed by Hongya Cave - crowded roads, numerous shops, and a constant flow of people - I had to admit that it was a picturesque place. With the guidance of the photographer, she posed and made expressions, and we took many beautiful photos. Because she wasn't very tall, she had to stand on a chair for a certain shot, and I teased her for being short.

Finally, when the photo shoot was over, she went back to the studio to change clothes, and I hugged her as we selected the photos. Originally, we were supposed to choose nine photos for retouching, but after going back and forth, we couldn't continue to delete after selecting twenty photos. At this point, the staff started to persuade us to select more photos for retouching outside of the original package. Seeing her hesitation, but also loving the remaining photos, I ended up paying the extra fee and keeping all the photos. She pulled me aside and said that the price seemed a bit expensive, and I waved my hand and told her, "We rarely come to Chongqing, and those photos turned out pretty good. It's worth paying a bit more." She pouted and nestled in my arms, looked up at me, closed her eyes, and asked for a kiss.

Although those photos were indeed good, I believe the moment she asked for a kiss was even more touching.

Another Hot Pot Dinner#

Even though her stomach wasn't feeling well, and she had already experienced the "second torture" of hot pot last night (the first torture being the spiciness), she still chose to have hot pot for dinner. We had bought some milk to neutralize the spiciness in advance and prepared some stomach medicine.

We went to another hot pot restaurant this evening. At first, we sat facing each other, but she complained that I was always staring at her, so she moved to sit next to me. But since she was so close to me, I naturally wanted to be close to her, which earned me a half-joking comment from her, "I didn't expect you to take advantage of me even more." Having previously lived in Hunan, I had a higher tolerance for spicy food, but for her sake, we ordered a mildly spicy hot pot base and two bullfrogs. Although I knew that creatures like bullfrogs would still have muscle movements even after losing their lives, when the bullfrog in the plate actually twitched, I was still startled and quickly jumped into her arms, seeking comfort. She gently hugged me and half-jokingly said that I was like a scared little child.

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